Product Reviews

Elite Dangerous PC
Good Graphics let down by bad development decisions
When people make the claim you need to sink a lot of time into this game to get any kind of enjoyment out it, are not wrong at all. This is the kind of game, you don't want to go into alone, because it's a very steep learning curve. Play with a friend or get help from people in the community who will play alongside you. It is by far the easiest way to learn this game and it's mechanics, while fending off boredom when you don't know what to do. There are plenty of websites that have current trade prices, always updated, throughout the entire galaxy. My advice would be to have a handy laptop sitting next to you while playing so you can look up the best places to go or prices. The early game is all about money, you need a decent ship with jump capability if your planning to explore the galaxy and follow the story line. It will take you a while to make some decent money so you can buy a decent ship. Right now avoid Odyssey the expansion, it needs some serious work done to it, it makes some really bad changes to the main game. Odyssey is definitely a huge step backwards. The graphics are beautiful on a decent RTX2/3 card maxed out. Make sure you have a pc capable of playing this game if your going to buy it. Make sure you pc, has more than the recommend speccs, a lot more, because you won't regret it.

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