I bought DOOM for my son this past Christmas for $20 at a retail store. I thought that was the norm. After watching him play this game, I had to buy it. Problem was, after Christmas it went back up to $50+ everywhere. So yesterday I got on here and saw this title for $16.59 and gave it a try. I set up a new cdkey.com account and had the key for DOOM within minutes. It works! I was not paying $50+ for a game I already paid only $20 for, so this made that wait disappear.
In terms of the game, I love the lack of hiding and avoiding enemies via pathing issues; you will not find that here. You will have lots of enemies, lots of explosions, lots of danger, bullets and projectiles and close-combat enemies trying to tear you from limb to limb. Keep moving, keep breathing.
I am more into the death animations when both you and the enemy die. Good stuff. And the music... wow. I simply love this game. Having owned every DOOM since its inception I hate that I waited so long to buy this one. It took watching my son play it to see what it offered, and now he and I have a blast with this title.
It's pure fun. From start to finish. I recommend it to any type of gamer, even if FPS's are not your forte. Just boot it up, and have fun... for hours.