Solid game.
Insurgency Sandstorm is a fun, modern tactical FPS with a pretty decent feature set. Both PVE and PVP modes are fun, but I feel as though the PVP could do with more game modes. The breakthrough-esque PVP mode is fine enough, but something about it that I can't quite put my finger on ends up getting tiring pretty quickly for my tastes. The PVE mode, which is a succession of point captures vs AI, is fun, but has a pretty casual feel, and I don't think there's quite enough there to sustain that side on its own. I haven't gotten too deeply into the game beyond that, but the community seems to think that there is more focus on skins than fresh content right now, and if that's truly the case, then it's concerning.
But, there's definitely worse times to be had. It has very solid gunplay, good visuals and audio, and if you can get it on sale it's well worth it. I got it for £10 here, it's currently £25. Wait for a sale.