Product Reviews

Shadow Warrior 2 PC
good game
if doom and killing floor and and borderlands had a babie this would probally be it
pretty fun game lots of replayability, when you beat it you can start over with a diablo style diffaculty system that gives increasing drops and gear upgrade gems

the game it self is full of puns and ♥♥♥♥ jokes so might not be for everyone, allthough amusing at first it does get old

the melee combat is a bit basic its move in a direction and left mouse click to perform a attack
still manages to feel pretty fun with all the gore and dismemberment tho. there are abilitys/powers that can be upgraded but there mostly non attack and more utility like for example force push and heal and more ammo or health drop chance

the game play is solo instanced based, you take story and side missions at a hub once you unlock a instance area by doing missions you can then free roam it and the maps will precedually change up layouts adding to the replayability. there is no shortage of enemies on maps while easy at first, the higher difficulty levels can present a challenge later on with swarms of enemy's having resistance to elemental damage and more hp and damage.

weapons include things like swords,handguns,rifles,rocket launchers,grenade launchers theres alot of unique looking stuff not just all generic looking guns and swords.
Battlefield 2042 PC
Doesn't quite hit the Battlefield sweet spot
The feel of playing this game feels like it has taken a few steps back from what Battlefield games are. The demolition dynamics that we are usually used too don't seem as fluid as they used to be, blowing up a building feels more like dropping some TNT on Minecraft and watching the little cubes blow around. The combat gameplay isn't too bad, sniping still has that same great feel with the distance drop off on the long shots meaning you need to do some forward planning, but it seems like you no sooner set up for a shot and someone is behind you or about to drive straight over you. The new skill mechanics seem a little bit glitchy, I mean you get a glider suit but the control of it seems somewhat 'blocky' as opposed to being agile. Overall I enjoy playing the game and hope that in the coming months, updates are released that bring this into the wider expectation of the game.

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