Product Reviews

Burnout Paradise Remastered PC
Fantastic game, sans the webcam glitch
(Before the game can be played, you have to install a mod. The game looks for a camera to take your photo for your Burnout license and for whatever reason, the way it's implemented makes the game crash immediately. I don't recall the mod, but just google it. After installing the mod, the game works like a charm and I've had no crashes or any sort of issues to speak of.)

I've played this game numerous times over the years, first being on the PS3 and I recently got it again for PC. It's such a great game. Some have said the open-world nature doesn't fit the Burnout formula, but I disagree. It's such a blast
just driving around. There's things to smash, jumps to do, and a whole bunch of other little things in addition to the normal Burnout fare. The takedowns are as gratifying as ever, since the damage model in this game is extensive. You'll see card flipping end over end with parts flying everywhere. This game is a shot of pure dopamine. As an aside, the soundtrack is absolutely excellent, but I'm not surprised considering Criterion has a wonderful track record.

In fact, there's only two things I can knock the game for: Removing Crash mode, and Aftertouch takedowns. That said I highly recommend that you pick up this game.

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