Product Reviews

Sonic Lost World PC
Super Mario Galaxy but Faster!
Sonic Lost World is one of the best modern Sonic games. It has a good story and fun gameplay. The Deadly Six are all funny and interesting characters, with Zavok's calm, wise personality, Zazz's craziness, Zomom's obsession with food, Master Zik's mentorship with Zavok, Zeena's love of fashion and nail polish, and Zor's depressed personality. I wish we could have seen more of Zik's relationship with Zavok. It would be interesting to see how Master Zik teaches Zavok. The soundtrack in this game is rather good too. Sadly, no Crush 40. :) Tropical Coast Zone 3 and Sky Road Zone 1 are my favorite courses along with their music. You're also able to download a Yoshi's Island and Legend of Zelda courses from the Nintendo eShop. The Legend of Zelda course is very good for collecting animals quickly. The gameplay is very fun and I also enjoyed the time trials. The cutscenes were fun to watch. As always, I enjoyed hearing Roger Craig Smith's voice for Sonic, and all the characters' voices were done well. The most negative part of Sonic Lost World is that you can't rewatch the cutscenes (at least that I know of) unless you create a whole new game, which would delete all of your hard work and data. Also if you buy the bonus edition of the game, the code should be on a paper behind the manual, since I took a couple of months to find it lol. Overall, Sonic Lost World is a good game and I'd definitely recommend playing it!

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