Product Reviews

Destiny 2: Legendary Edition PC
Absent Since finished Forsaken Returning player
I played destiny since D1 was released, and after completing Forsaken I stopped playing until only a few days ago. I wasn't actually planning on really coming back as my past gameplay of d2 was primarily xbox one activity, & during my try to play with the controller on console days. It wasnt that I didn't play PC just got a console for my daughter & wanted to get most use out of it. With Bungie Cross-save not letting purchased expansions work on alt mediums repurchasing was a chip on my shoulder, after all I payed for all my Destiny 1 & 2 content to that point, now f2p and want me to pay twice?

CDKeys created a bridge & comprising point that let me get back into the game. The Legendary edition may have Forsaken in it but this comes with Forsaken+ (Forsaken with exotic item access through the 3 items included) allowing me to get all but 1 of the Exotics I didnt acquire when I played through originally. It was a great deal, & an extremely beneficial option for anyone switching systems and having to repurchase certain DLC without your wallet being robbed. The gameplay on pc with RTX 3080 is a huge improvement to an already impressive visual experience.

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