Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Collector's Edition PC (EU) (Base Game Required) includes:
Arion Mount: A new mount designed to complement paladin, the signature job of Endwalker.
Wind-up Porom Minion: Porom, one of the young twins who joins your party in FINAL FANTASY IV, arrives as a minion you can share new adventures with.
Death Scythe: The Death Scythe from FINAL FANTASY XI makes its appearance in FINAL FANTASY XIV as a reaper-exclusive weapon.
The top 3 reasons to play Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Collector's Edition PC (EU)
Dive into the highly-anticipated fourth expansion pack for the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
Experience the climax of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, and encounter an even greater calamity than ever before as you travel to the far reaches of Hydaelyn and even to the moon.
Journey to the very stars above and join over 22 million players worldwide!
About Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Collector's Edition PC (EU)
Experience the climax of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, and encounter an even greater calamity than ever before as you travel to the far reaches of Hydaelyn and even to the moon. Journey to the very stars above and join over 22 million players worldwide!
Warrior of Light ─ Bear forth our hope, that these days not be the last! Yet shadowed by their triumph in the First, the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn are home at last. An even greater calamity than refulgent oblivion has been building in their absence, however ─ a second advent of the Final Days. Should all despair, the myriad conflicts that now ravage the land cannot but foretoken an end to life in the Source.
Take heart in the faith of those who walk beside you, and journey ever higher ─ to the very stars above.
New jobs: Sage and Reaper.
A new playable race: male Viera.
Level cap increase from 80 to 90.
New cities: Old Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han.
Travel to expansive new areas, including Labyrinthos, Thavnair, Garlemald, and Mare Lamentorum.
New tribes to encounter: Loporrits and the Arkasodara.
New threats to overcome, including Anima and the Magus Sisters.
Log in with your Square Enix/Final Fantasy XIV credentials.
On the landing page you will find “Enter Expansion Registration Code” - click it and continue.
Scroll below and you will find the code entry boxes, enter your unique code that’s displayed on the ‘Orders’ page of and click ‘Next’. Confirm the game/expansion which you entered and press continue to add the game to your account.
The product is now activated on your account and available to play through the Final Fantasy XIV or Steam client.
Log in with your Square Enix/Final Fantasy XIV credentials.
On the landing page, scroll down and you will see “Add Game Time Card” select this option.
Scroll below and you will find the code entry boxes, enter your unique code that’s displayed on the ‘Orders’ page of and click next. It will now let you confirm the addition of 60 days of play time to your account. Press enter to continue.
The play time is now added to your account.
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