Year 1 Pass: 4 New Specialists (1 per Season), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season), and 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered Earth”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”).
The top 3 reasons to play Battlefield 2042 Gold Edition PC
Battlefield 2042 is a first-person shooter that marks the return to the iconic all-out warfare of the franchise.
Disorder, adapt and overcome dynamically-changing battlegrounds with the help of your squad and a cutting-edge arsenal.
Take on several massive experiences, from updated multiplayer modes like Conquest and Breakthrough to the all-new Hazard Zone.
About Battlefield 2042 Gold Edition PC
Battlefield 2042 is a first-person shooter that marks the return to the iconic all-out warfare of the franchise.
In a near-future world transformed by disorder, adapt and overcome dynamically-changing battlegrounds with the help of your squad and a cutting-edge arsenal.
With support for 128 players, Battlefield 2042 brings unprecedented scale on vast battlegrounds across the globe.
Players will take on several massive experiences, from updated multiplayer modes like Conquest and Breakthrough to the all-new Hazard Zone.
I've been playing battlefield since 2005 and I must say this feels like all the battlefield series combined to make one hell of a game.
The Pros
In line with todays technology.
Reviewed by Ravi
not good enough for the franchise of battlefield
not polished enough for a battlefield game, feels like it is half baked and the maps are not interesting making the already weak fps gameplay worse
The Pros
graphics, vehicles
The Cons
buggy, poor map design, poor customization, old and slow experience progression and unlocks
Reviewed by Sam
I Love it but also hate it
Iv been playing battlefield since 1942 and this game has really divided the community and also my self. I love the grapics and a few maps but the game is lacking alot of the features you would expect in a £60 game and whats normally there in a launched game. The bots are so bad in this game that they should be taken out as they are just human meat shields. Maps have no cover for infantry so the vehicle death spam is annoying. Not that many guns or equipment in the game aswell. I would hold of till the March 2022 update to see what they fix and what they add
The Pros
Sound design
The Cons
no class system
no voip
no scoreboard
map design
Reviewed by Alex
Empty servers in 3 months. Deadfield
Others summed up well. Now the servers in NA are empty. 99% players gone. Don't get scammed by EA. Save your money.
The Pros
When you can use Bolte to farm ppl.
The Cons
The whole game, and EA.
Reviewed by Otaku
It's alright
It was fun for the little bit of have much I tried. I did find some things frustrating such as the vehicles and reviving and then instantly dying.
The Pros
The feeling of big world-combat
Hitmarkers done right
Accessibility at the beginning
The Cons
Quite laggy
Mouse Input Eaten?
Bad Tutorial
Reviewed by John
BattleFailed 2042
CDKeys delivered 100%, no issue there what so ever. I Wish EA / DICE delivered though. Lots of missing features which you would expect in a BF title... like a scoreboard. Classes are now like little superheroes with "special" abilities.
The Pros
The Cons
Bacl to main menu after every game
Class system
Weapon Diversity
Reviewed by Julian
EA/DICE would do what they can to make you spend money on game u already paid for!
no scoreboard no voip, bugs not squad menu... dont feel like bf at all!
The Pros
there are none unless u like apex
The Cons
graphics are worse than bfv, game is a hero shooter not bf title, bugs, and no refund
Reviewed by Joe
Very buggy, graphics not up too scratch
Very Buggy game and the graphics were worse than previous models. The character design was poor and the game was designed to appeal to the younger generation instead of a proper war game
The Pros
I enjoyed playing with friends
The Cons
Not erally many positives as experience was poor
Reviewed by W.E.
Not very good
The game is not total crap but also not very good, it has the same problems as the last 2 games. High pings, lagg-compensation, glitches, cheaters etc etc
Reviewed by Andreas
Medicore Battlefield.
The game ain't that good as other Battlefields in the past when it first came out it was a buggy mess they fixed allot of stuff but still ain't a good game by far. The specialists what they call them are kinda like Overwatch or Valorant heroes/soldier or whatever you want to call em and its just a boring mess cause most of them are just useless and others are 10x stronger so everybody plays those. Get this gme when its cheap dont buy it at full price.